In 2005, four Darmstadt-based photographers founded the Non-profit Promotional Association Darmstadt Days of Photography. The idea to establish a photo festival emerged from a project entitled »Stadtfotograf«, which was initiated by Werkbundakademie Darmstadt. During an event in 2004 at Design Zentrum Hessen, the idea to establish an annual series of events on photography over the course of three days was publically announced for the first time. Since then, the initiators have been inviting photographers and artists to present their work to the public.

Since 2010, the festival is taking place biannually. Today, Darmstadt Days of Photography are among the most important photo festivals in Germany. The initiators were able to establish a pleasant and convincing festival, and to manage it competently and passionately with constant success over the course of 14 years.

Since 2019, the Darmstadt Photography Days will be organized under the roof of the TU Darmstadt. The experience in organizing contemporary exhibitions and the infrastructure of the Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt (art forum of the university) offer ideal conditions for continuing the renowned photo festival and for administrative and spatial support.

The proven concept of the Darmstadt Photography Days with an overarching theme for all participating institutions will be retained. The term of the festival will be extended to ten days from 2020. The focus on international artists and institutions will be expanded. Three large exhibition venues show invited positions: the Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt, the Kunsthalle Darmstadt and the Museum Artists’ Colony on the Mathildenhöhe.
Further top-class exhibitions will continue to be seen across the city. The Darmstadt Photography Days, the RAY Fotografieprojekte and the Wiesbadener Fototage agreed on a triennial cycle at the suggestion of the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.